Tuesday, May 19, 2009

My Quest!!!

Every since I can remember, I have been in love with animals!!! I have always wanted to help them in any way I could, which is why my quest is to become a vet. I guess it's like the warrior's journey to save his people(but in this case it would be animals...). This has been a huge goal in my life, and I am going to work extremely hard to get there. I plan to go to a good college, and then it's off to vet school! I really hope that my quest is a success, and maybe one day I will be the one helping your pets get better!:)

Mi Madre:)

My mom is my mentor. She is there for me whenever I need her, and she is a good role model for me. My mom has been through alot in the past couple of years, but she still stays strong. Even when we are all busy, and she has to do all of the work around the house by herself, she will still take us to wherever we need to go, or get us whatever we need. My mom also provides alot for us. She makes meals and really just anything. My mom is very supportive. She makes it to almost every event for all three kids. She has taught me so many different things, and given me great advice. Whenever I have a bad day at school, she's make me feel better by just listening and being there. She's amazing!

My Threshold Guardian

My threshold guardian is my dad. He has taught me what not to do, and what to do with my life. I am really pushed to be the best that I can be with him around. He will correct me when i am wrong, and tell me what is right. Sometimes, when he's in the wrong, i'll let him know. Most of the time I get in trouble for correcting him, but it all ends up okay in the end. We don't always get along, but i know that he will always be there, to help me overcome the obstacles that come up in my life.

The Shadow

My cell phone is definetely my shadow. I always have it with me, and i'm constantly messing around with it. It distracts me from everything. Somebody will be talking to me, and i'll get a text messege, and just completely forget that I was talking to that person to begin with. I wish I wasn't so attached to my phone, because then I would probablly be more attentive. My cell phone also holds me back from school work. Most of the time I cannot concentrate on my work because of it. I continue to try and become less and less dependant on my phone. When the day comes that I am no longer am attached to my phone, that will be the day that I have defeated my shadow!

My Trickster

My trickster, is my brother, Hunter. He can make me laugh, even when he's not trying to. Though we fight alot, he's fun to be around. Sometimes he'll just be sitting there, and i'll look over at him and I just bust out laughing. He can put anyone in a good mood. He can make me laugh harder than anyone. One night, we were at the dinner table, and my brother did something that was (i guess) only funny to me. I couldn't stop laughing for the entire time we ate dinner. My brother's awesome, and I wouldn't trade him for anything in the world!!

Physical and Mental Strengths = cheer:)

I have been cheering for 3 years now, and beginning on my fourth. I love cheer; it is my passion. Cheer involves alot of physical tasks as well as mental. We run and do alot of exercises that test your physical ability. It's also important to have a positive attitude towards cheer. If you go into it with a bad attitude, you will not have any fun. Without pride and spirit, it would not be called cheer. I plan on continuing to cheer for the rest of my high school years, and maybe on to college. I really hope that I will be able to do that!

The naive and inexperienced hero

Ever since I was little, I thought of myself as invincible. I thought that I could do anything, and nothing would happen. Then as I got a little bit older, I realized that wasn't true. I have never really gone through a huge disaster, or been through a near-death experience. I am an inexperienced hero. I do not know what I would do if something major was to happen to me or my family. I wouldn't know how to handle it. I think that it is a blessing that I can say that, but it also sad. Thinking about all those people that have had it rough, i wonder how they dealt with it. I know I couldn't be that brave. Those people are true experienced heroes.

Loyal band of Companions

My loyal band of companions includes all these people here and so many more that I just don't have a picture with. I love all of my loyal companions, and I don't know what I would do without them. They make me laugh until I cry, and are there for me no matter what. I can talk to them about anything, and we are all really close. A hero needs people in their life that will help guide them in the right direction, and that is what these people do for me. We always have fun, no matter what we're doing. I love all of ya'll, and my life just wouldn't be the same without you!!!


Over christmas break, my family and I went to Colorado to ski. The trip, as a whole, was awesome, but the trip there was grueling. We were all squished in the back seat of the car and bored. There was alot of fighting. My dad kept telling us to be quiet or we would turn the car around and go home. It was 16 hours in a five passenger car, with five people, plus all our stuff. It was not fun. When we got there, though, it was so much fun! We forgot all about the bad trip up there, and had an amazing time skiing. From this trip, I learned that sometimes in order to enjoy the good things in life you have to put up with the bad. I now know that things don't always go the way that you plan them, but if you keep a good outlook, you will have a great time!!

Help from the Man Upstairs...

God is a huge part of my life. I would not be here today if it wasn't for him. I look at my life and wonder what it would be like if I hadn't made the decision 8 years ago to become a Christian. It would be very different, and very hard. Even if no one's there, there's always god. He helps me make the right decisions, and choose the right paths to follow. God is amazing, he is my everything.